Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Challenge for a week.. Ready to take up the challenge?

Are you up for a fight against the devil... I want to ask you to enter a competition by challenging you to change your thoughts towards those who have hurt you. You might ask me what is up for grabs... well you may not be walking away with a worldy prize but you will grow spiritually .... here is the catch, YOU WILL walk away feeling like a FREE person, free from sin and things that brings tears to our Lord and Saviour eyes. All YOU have to do is turn away from gossip and hurtful words FOR ONLY one week. Open your mind up to notice the words that proceed out of your mouth as gossip.  If anything you say about anyone defames or slanders the reputation of someone else, it is not Christ-like. 

Refrain from wrongful thoughts, words and deeds against your family, your husband, in-laws or even your best friend.If what you desire to say demeans  other, then YOU MUST let it go. Hand it over to Christ and see the deep and intimate relationship that can develop when you take your complaints to God, and when you win the battle for this week why not try to make it a life time commitment?

\Your reward will be far better than ANY competition on earth, ITS WAITING FOR YOU.....ENTER.... it’s for FREE!

-Challenge from

Remember what the Bible says here.

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

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