Thursday, September 20, 2012


Shalom semua!!
Hari ini adalah hari ke-12 kita memulakan semester 1 kita bagi sesi 2012/2013. Selamat datang adik-adik baru kita yang baru masuk UKM.

Pada hari pertama memasuki semester baru ini aktiviti pertama yang akan dibuat oleh PERKEB adalah masuk kamsis. Masuk kamsis? Masuk kamsis adalah aktiviti wajib yang akan dibuat oleh PERKEB untuk mencari adaik-adik baru yang baru memasuki UKM. Sebelum ini kami mudah untuk mendapat senarai nama pelajar baru kristian dari setiap kolej namun bagi sesi ini terdapat banyak cabaran sehingga terdapat beberapa kolej yang tidak memberikan senarai nama pelajar baru kristian. Saya sebenarnya agak risau bagaimana untuk mencari mereka (pelajar baru kristian)..terfikir mau guna strategi lama-ketuk pintu tetapi bukan mudah memandangkan kami tidak berapa tahu bilik junior.

Masuk kamsis yang pertama ke KKM dan KIZ. Sebelum semester bermula saya bertemu dengan Asneta buat kali pertama semasa ibadah Ahad di gereja sebelum dia mendaftar kolej. Melalui dia saya bertemu dengan adik-adik kristian baru yang lain di KKM. Puji Tuhan juga Joanna memberikan nama pelajar kristian baru di KIZ dan oleh itu masuk kamsis yang pertama tidak berapa sukar memandangkan kami mempunyai senarai nama mereka.

Masuk kamsis yang kedua ke KTHO, KDO dan KRK. Puji Tuhan sebab Joy mendapat senarai nama pelajar di KTHO dan KDO. Yang menjadi kebimbangan adalah KRK sebab kami langsung tidak mempunyai senarai nama pelajar baru kristian di kolej ini. Kami berjalan dengan iman ke kolej ini. Sepatutnya kami akan terus pergi ke blok dan memulakan misi mengetuk pintu namun entah bagaimana kami singgah ke foyer KRK dan disana saya berjumpa dengan salah seorang ahli PERKEB, Mary. Dia memberitahu ada seorang pelajar baru kristian di kolej itu namun tidak memunyai nombor telefonnya. Yang luar biasanya kami menjumpai senarai nama penghuni KRK di salah satu papan kenyataan dan menjumpai nama pelajar baru kristian tersebut dan nombor biliknya! Wa..Tuhan sangat luar biasa kan.

Masuk kamsis yang ketiga ke KAB, KUO dan KIY. Pada mulanya kami tidak mendapat senarai nama pelajar kristian di ketiga-tiga kolej ini juga. Tapi Tuhan tidak pernah terlambat dan Dia buka jalan untuk kami menjumpai rakan-rakan kristian yang lain untuk membantu kami mendapatkan senarai nama pelajar kristian baru di kolej-kolej ini. Pada mulanya kami hanya menjumpai seorang pelajar baru kristian di KAB dan melalui dia kami dipertemukan dengan kawan-kawan kristian barunya di kolej itu. Setiap kali kami bertemu dengan adik-adik baru, kami akan bertanya jika mereka mempunyai kawan pelajar baru di kolej lain. Memang luar biasa-melalui ini kami mendapat nama pelajar baru kristian di kolej lain!

Masuk kamsis yang terakhir adalah ke KPZ dan KBH. Memenatkan ya..tapi percaya semuanya tidak sia-sia J Kami bertemu dengan adik-adik dari Asasi dan Permata Pintar UKM. Adik-adik kita ni memang luar biasa dan kami mengambil keputusan untuk membawa mereka menyertai PERKEB mulai sesi ini. Dan akhirnya kami ke KBH dan bertemu dengan adik-adik baru kami di kolej tersebut.

4 hari masuk kamsis memang luar biasa bagaimana Tuhan membuka jalan untuk kami bertemu dengan adik-adik baru. Sangat luar biasa bagaimana Tuhan menjawab doa kami untuk menghantar pelajar kristian di UKM dan bagi sesi ini seramai 33 adk-adik baru PERKEB termasuk Asasi dan Permata Pintar UKM! Dan masih terdapat 9 orang adik lagi yang belum sempat kami jumpa.
Tuhan luar biasa sekali. Saat Dia buka jalan yang mustahil menjadi ada dan ya inilah buktinya bagaimana Tuhan bekerja di dalam PERKEB.

Kerinduan saya..kita bukan hanya bertambah dari segi kuantiti kita tetapi biarlah sesi ini setiap kita menjadi semakin berkualiti bukan sahaja dalan peajaran kita tetapi juga dalam hubungan kita dengan Tuhan. Sebagaimana sesi ini PERKEB akan fokus kepada PERKEB Cares (Cell group PERKEB) dan memantapkan kehidupan kita sebagai orang percaya terutamanya dalam pengetahuan kita tentang Firma Tuhan dan kehiduapan doa yang kuat. Melalui ini maka saya percaya kita akan lebih maju dan mudah untuk menjadi tangan dan kaki Kristus untuk menyampaikan Berita Baik dalam kampus ini.

Ingat Tema kita:”Dimantapkan Untuk Memberitakan”..mari sama-sama kita memantapkan diri masing-masing dengan kebenaran FirmanNya dan hidup dalam keluarga PERKEB sebagai keluarga yang saling mendorong dan menguatkan.

Halleluyah! Terima kasih Tuhan atas kebaikanMu atas PERKEB! Terima kasih untuk setiap AJK PERKEB sesi 2012/2013 atas komitmen dan bantuan kamu semua dan tidak lupa ahli-ahli PERKEB yang lain serta Dinasour-dinasour PERKEB yang tidak pernah berhenti menyokong pelayanan di PERKEB.
Tuhan memberkati semua!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Closet time!

a picture courtesy to :D
Halu sayang sayangku,

Nama brita nuan? (Iban translation: How are you?)  Good? bad? Awesome? or just plain bored? I'm doing alright here, just trying to get in shape for health reason and of course, beauty reason. CHEWAAAHHH! hahahaha.. hope it pays off when you and YOU see me in PERKEB or anywhere else. HAHA! Kidding!

We servants of PERKEB are going to have a closet time during the 3rd till 7th Sept. What do I mean with closet time? Time to play Uno cards, monopoly, jongkang jongket with no distraction, of course! Nah, not only that, maybe, just maybe, planning to create something WAY uh-MAAAAAAY-zing for you and I in the coming PERKEB! Heheh!

As all of you may know, the NEW semester of 2012/2013 is COMING terribly   soon! OH NO YES! hahahahahahah! Are you guys ready for the new adventure? for a crazy ride for this year?? for an awesome fellowship of the  rings  your friends??? Let us know!

Till then,

pray with us! HUGSIES!

any prayer requests? buzz me :


Friday, June 8, 2012

Exam Period

Hie dunia,

Usah risau akan kesusahanmu dalam mengingati perkara duniawi, seperti kursus majormu, kursus minormu... Usah risau akan hari-harimu, seperti tiada duit untuk makan, tiada credit untuk sms Gf/Bf. HAHA... Usah risau!

kerana Allah kita yang baik dan sempurna, iaitu Tuhan Yesus sendiri, sedang bersama kita di dalam kita!

Happy exam! (punyalah post saya ini sangat skema sekarang. WAHAHAAHAHA)

Anyway guys,
Joy here. Have a great exam period ahead. It's not easy to memorize the answers but here are some tips for you to score well!

During Revision
1. Pray before you start reading. ASK God to come and revise with you!
2. Talk to God when you get stuck and hit a dead end. HE helps!
3. Praise God when you are done revising!

100% improvement!

During Exam
1. Pray before you start writing! Ask God to be with you and give you the wisdom!
2. Ask God to guide you for the correct answers! SERIOUS! HE HELPS!
3. Talk to God when you feel like cheating or stuck somewhere in the papers. He makes you feel guilty and not cheat! HAHAHAHA
4. Pray again when you finish paper. Ask God to prevent any bias marks by the lecturers.
5. Offer your paper as a sacrifice to Him. Dedicate the paper to Him.
6. Walk with joy and a glad heart, knowing that He is the awesome lecturer of all times!




I hope that helps!
 happy exam guys!
Look at the baby, doesn't she look like me??? HAHAHAHAAH

Monday, May 7, 2012

Change this heart sidewalk prophets

I've been trying to run away from this false reality 
no matter where I turn my back You're always right in front of me 
so I push You away, but I don't know that I'm wrong 
I don't know the words to say to make my faith that strong 

so I will pray to You right now 
to take away my sin 
heal away my brokenness 
and change this heart again 

without You I am nothing 
but a weak and dying man 
so I will pray to You right now 
and change this heart again 

what is going through the motions 
if my life is still the same 
everyday's the same old puzzle 
all the pieces re-arranged 
and I refuse Your help 
out of my own selfish pride 
Lord I have so many masks 
to cover up and hide 

so I will pray to You right now 
to take away my sin 
come heal away my brokenness 
and change this heart again 
without You I am nothing 
but a weak and a dying man 

so I will pray to You right now 
come change this heart again 

so I will pray to You my Lord 
to change this heart again 

Know that u r loved


Phil 4:13

Trust in the Lord

A note for failure just like you

The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the LORD holds them by the hand
.” (Psalms 37:23-24NIV)

Failure presents an opportunity to examine yourself and find your flaws. Rather than give up, you are wise to ask God to use you despite your flaws. When you have failed (surely you will), it is a good time to restore your relationship with God by admitting your mistakes, confessing your sin, and asking for forgiveness (feeling guilty is good for the soul but very hazardous in a long run). Now, Psalms 37 above is surely for the believers. They are those who are 'godly' but sometime ‘stumble’ and ‘fall’ in their walk with God – this is what He do to them when they are facing failure: “the LORD holds them by the hand.” Through it all, God can use your humble spirit and brokenness to rebuild you into the person he created you to be.

Pic from:
You are not alone. Who hasn’t failed? Read the Scriptures – the apostle Paul failed; Peter failed; every one of the twelve apostles failed. David, Israel’s greatest king, ‘a man after God’s own heart,” failed. Moses, giant among the Israelites, giver of the Law, deliverer of the people, failed. Jacob, father of Israel, failed; Isaac, son of promise, failed. Abraham, progenitor of Israel, father of the faithful, prototype of those who are righteous through faith, failed. Even our first parents, Adam and Eve, in their human perfection, failed.* Who hasn’t failed? 

Richard Halverson rightly observed, “It is not failing that is the problem; it is what one does after he failed.” Don't give up, Rise Up, Look Up!

The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.”
Hero in this note, Focus in this note is the One who directs,
who delights, who holds you - The LORD

Taken from Richard's blog - motivate for  life

As God's chosen people


Kasih yang sempurna
Telah ku trima dari Mu
Bukan kerna kebaikan ku
Hanya oleh Kasih Karunia Mu
Kau pulihkan aku
Layakkan ku tuk dapat memanggil Mu Bapa

Kau bri yg ku pinta
Saat ku mencari ku mendapatkan
Ku ketuk pintu Mu dan Kau bukakan
Sbab Kau Bapa ku
Bapa yang kekal

Takkan Kau biarkan
Aku melangkah hanya sendirian
Kau selalu ada bagiku
Sbab Kau Bapaku
Bapa yang kekal....

Every moment with God

Almost the end...

We have almost come to an end of the term. So the AJK PERKEB 2011/12. Even as the interview was done today, i remembered a year ago.. Those questions asked and the answers. The commitment and etc. 1 year flies so fast. Now I am ending my term as AJK already. It's time to move on to other things. I am really glad for the  privilege and opportunity to serve in PERKEB. PERKEB PERKEB. A  good place for us to serve and to grow.

Whether we become AJK or not, it doesn't matter so much. What matters most is whether we are growing in the Lord or not during our students life because working life will be different altogether. Some of us are leaving UKM and soon to own the title ALUMNI whereas some  are moving to another year in UKM. Ahhh.. I can't wait to say, "IT'S MY FINAL YEAR!!"

Whatever it is... May each and everyone of us continue to serve the Lord in various ways and may our life be blessings. =) Nites.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

BUT this is what I saw...

"But this is what I saw.

I saw friends who had never shown an interest in politics coming with their wives and children to say they wanted free and fair elections, because rightly or wrongly, they believe that the electoral system is flawed. They were not there to be violent.

I saw in the narrow alleys cutting through to Lebuh Ampang, a group of young and old Muslims, praying as a Jemaah in their distinctive yellow T-shirts. They were not there to be violent.

I saw many mothers and their teenaged daughters; fathers holding up small children. They were not there to be violent.

I saw the normally reticent Chinese, many young people among them, taking to the streets — either in green “Stop Lynas” or yellow Bersih tees. I saw this refined old Malay gentleman, well dressed and in his 60s, holding on firmly to an equally distinguished looking Chinese gentleman of similar age, marching to show that they were friends united in a cause. I saw this elderly Chinese lady, caught by a skull-capped, bearded PAS Unit Amal, as she almost stumbled and fell while taking photographs. I heard him say: “Aunty, jaga-jaga sikit. Jangan jatuh…”

I saw the lawyer-type Indian gentlemen and ladies marching proudly, side by side their spouses and children, laughing and joking in between chanting “Hidup Bersih.” I saw them passing water bottles to those who did not have any; I saw them aiding the old; I saw them carrying the young; I saw — after such a long, long time, Malaysians who represent the spectrum of the Malaysia that should be, united in purpose.

None of them were there to be violent.

Many a time I choked up — like when they burst into the national anthem and despite the heat and the rush of bodies, trying to stand at attention. Like when they played around with the huge yellow balloon, pushing it from one to another, like a carnival. Like when I saw the children and fathers of different races looking out for each other, offering a tissue or a sweet, holding up umbrellas for the old. Like when this teenaged Chinese boy asked me: “Uncle, why you not wearing yellow?” Like when the old Kelantanese man — whom I knew not from Adam — spoke to me in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman: “Dah make? Make dulu. Lama nak tunggu.” (Have you eaten? Better eat. It’s a long wait.)

Who, I ask myself, among them was there to be violent? To whom should we pose this question?

Tell us Tan Sri Fuad. Tell us Datuk Seri Hishammuddin. Please tell us Datuk Seri Najib and Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Please tell us Datuk Seri Rais Yatim because you, who once led unruly demonstrations when you were in Semangat 46, had so many mean things to say about us. Tell us Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, you who ruled us for 23 years and brooked no dissent — who among this crowd of elderly to very young, representing the 1 Malaysia you all pay lip service to, who were the violent ones out to overthrow the Government?" 

Taken from Saya Anak Malaysia FB page. 

* I am really touched by the unity of the people. Although there was violence but other than that, people who really understand what Bersih is all about stay calm, and helped each other in the midst of standing under scorching hot sun.. No racism, no sexism and whatever-sm on that day. People just stay united*

Monday, April 30, 2012

To be different

Singapore is a constant pursuit of excellence. A constant, constant drive to get better, be better, and account to everyone else how you are better.

The other day we watched a video of a very gifted friend speak about her first two years in teaching. It was painfully real, honest and humbling. And I was so grateful that someone had finally spoken up and described things as they were. Some of my friends were confused how she'd managed to pass her teaching course, having made so all those mistakes she was so honest in sharing. Of course I replied that she was a very humble person and I'm sure she had actually passed with flying colours.

But within, I knew the truth—that none of us is as good as we crack ourselves up to be—and my humble friend had just been honest enough to point out the emperor's nudity.

We create dizzily high standards for ourselves to adhere to, because that's what society expects of us. But we're just human. And if you define human the same way I do, then I think the platter of mistakes is far closer to who we are than the list of achievements we try to scramble together about ourselves for our supervisors to admire.

But rather than admit how flawed we are, we crown ourselves with false modesty and expect praise from others.

I don't think society is ever going to change that though. I don't think we're ever going to move towards a society where it's cool to be wrong. We are told to tell our students that it's okay to make mistakes, but we don't extend the same grace to our colleagues, or to ourselves.

But Christians have a different calling. Christian, don't bow. Don't cave in. Don't blend in with everyone else who's trying to prove what a great teacher or doctor or economic contributor they're going to be. Please. From one Christian to another, I can't do it all by myself. I need you to boast in your weaknesses, so I know it's safe to boast in mine. Please be different. Please be secure in your identity in Christ, and know that your only duty is to act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. If you really believe you're forgiven, then stop trying to justify yourself. Stop trying to convince yourself you're on the right side of the fence when you hear a sermon, or when you discuss one. Know that you're not, but you're saved anyway. Of all people, Christians should be most unsurprised when receiving criticism, most loving when wronged, and most grateful when praised. Please be those people for me. Because I don't think we're meant to survive this success-driven world alone.

I need that from you.

Taken from

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thank you! Xie Xie! Kam Siah! Terima kasih! Arigato Kozaimasu!!

Simple things can made one smile.

Words can either build you up or destroy you. BUT today words proved to encourage and build us up=)

With all your encouragement, every efforts seems WORTHWHILE now =)

Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! =))

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Count your blessings

1) Give thanks - You have meals to eat the whole day. Some people struggle even just to eat one meal. Even if they can afford, they eat cheap stuff like nasi lemak RM1. SO give thanks to God especially for those who can spend on sushi bonanza. It's good to just enjoy your meal at  the end of the day after such a long long dayyyy.

2) Give thanks for you are healthy. You can eat, drink, breathe, run, walk, move around freely and etc etc. Some people can't eat and drink due to disease. I heard the other day there's this cancer patient who can eat but can't drink. Whenever he drinks, the water will come out through his nose. He cannot swallow the water. These few days I sprained my shoulder - thus can't move much. SO, give thanks to God that you are healthy. Even if you are sick, but give thanks that it's not so chronic. Some have it worst than you. A girl I knew was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 17 and she has to eat 20 pills a day. So be thankful you don't need to swallow 20 pills a day.

3) Give thanks to God for your family. Some just received news that mom/dad/family members passed away. Be grateful that you still have family. Some orphans wish they have family. Give special thankssss  especially if you still have both parents and both grandparents. Such rare treasure in life.

4) Give thanks for friends. Friends who are there for you in times of hardship... friends who share your joy and sorrow..who encourage and motivates you..Give thanks for those who hurt you because through them, you learn to be a  tough person.

5) Give thanks for lecturers who impart so much knowledge to you.. who work hard to teach beyond their job scope so that you will be a  better student...Such lecturers are getting lesser and lesser.

6) Give thanks for your church members, CF membersss who are also your brothers and sisters  in Christ =) They are your extended big family. =)

7) Be thankful for hurdles and hardships because such situations mould you in some way. There's always something to learn from it.

8) Give thanks for the property that you own instead of complaining.. "Hp tak cukup canggih lah." " Laptop tak cukup high spec lah."  Bersyukur ada handphone! Bersyukur ada laptop! =) Car, motor, ipad, money, etc etc.

9) Give thanks that our God  is JEHOVAH JIREH - GOD WHO PROVIDES ALL OUR NEEDS. Thank God you have  shelter over your head and not sleeping on the streets. Thank God you have clothes to wear even though it's not ESPRIT/MNG/PADINI/BRANDS OUTLET/........... It's ok. So long you have decent clothing to wear. =)

10) Give thanks for everything stated above and not stated above that you can  think of =)


The other day I went to a Christian funeral... and as I see my church member lie down in the coffin breathless.. so many thoughts run in my mind. This is the ending of human's life. I mean of course we believe after we die, we will meet God in heaven but on earth, yes that's our ending. Lying down in coffin/cremated afterwards.. and nothing left of you. Ashes to ashes.

Still, in this lifetime, "hasad dengki", jealousy, malicious acts and etc etc is COMPULSARY in life. Almost anywhere and everywhere you go, you are bound to meet these people. Sometimes we are one of them with or without realizing.

Yet when the time come, we will be like everyone else be it Prime Minister or beggar, when God take your breathe away, there you'll lye down in the coffin so so so soooo meaningless. It seems like nothing else matters or even if there are things that matters, we are powerless to be in control of it anymore. There, your TIME ENDS.

The borderline between life and death is so thin only. 

I like this verse..

New International Version

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Phil 1:21)

Someone told me today Attitude will determine whether we go to heaven or hell. Is it true? For u to think about. But I guess it's true to a certain extent. If we are care less to bother about God and think we are God, then well...heaven might not be a place for us. 

Pastor mentioned this the other day.


It's painful to trust in the progress when the future is not uncertain.. but the other day when my motor was stolen, I was thinking about he suffered and didn't know what was exactly happening but  he still trust God. I really admire him lah.

Job 2:9
His wife said to him, "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!"

Job 2:10
He replied, "You are talking like a foolish woman. SHALL WE ACCEPT GOOD FROM GOD AND NOT TROUBLE?"

In the's stated in Job 42:10, "...the Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before." 

I wish I know what the future beholds. It's painful to be in the midst. But well, God knows best! 

Isaiah 55:9 -  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." *Some people say whatever we think good, it's also good in the sight of God.* It can't be because there's a thing call HUMAN ERROR but God never make any ERROR =) Beauty of our God. 

So live ur life. It's very very short indeed to just cram in the books! hahaaa

And guess what? Despite my bike being stolen, someone blessed me with a bike unexpectedly =) Blessing indeed!!! =) 

Monday, April 16, 2012

What is Christianity? - Cheryl's sharing-

  1. What is Christianity?
Christianity is a relationship with the true and living God through the person of Jesus Christ by whom we are forgiven of our sins.
Followers of Jesus Christ were first called Christians in Antioch (Acts 11:26) because they believed in Christ and followed His example. *(Antioch is the modern day Antakya, located in Southeast Turkey).
Christians believe that:
a)      There is only one God, the creator of everything that exists (Isaiah 43: 10b - 12), (Isaiah 44: 6b-7), (Isaiah 45: 12).
b)      God is a Trinity God (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit) - (Hebrews 1: 3a) (John 10: 30)
The word “Trinity” comes from the Latin noun “trinitas” meaning “three are one”. The Trinity expresses the belief that God is one Being made up of three distinct Persons who exist in co-equal essence and co-eternal communion as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We as Christians are called children of God (John 1: 12-14)
c)       Jesus is the Christ (Anointed One) from God the Father who came to this world, (Colossians 1:15-18) fulfilled the Old Testament laws and prophecies (Isaiah 7: 14-15) (Isaiah 9:6-7), died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins (Romans 5: 8) (Luke 24: 46-48), rose from the dead physically (Luke 24: 39-40) and ascended into heaven (Luke 24: 51).
d)      Salvation is through the grace of God
A definition of the Christian doctrine of salvation would be “The deliverance, by the grace of God, from eternal punishment for sin, which is granted to those who accept by faith, God’s conditions of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus”.
Scripture is clear that salvation is the gracious, undeserved gift of God (Ephesians 2:8-9) and is only available through faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).
Why Did Jesus Had to be Crucified?
When Adam and Eve rebelled, man was separated from God through sin. (Isaiah 59:2) God’s holiness and justice demand that sin and rebellion be punished. The only payment for sin is eternal death. (Romans 6:23). However, our death is not sufficient to atone (pay) for sin because atonement requires a perfect, spotless sacrifice, offered in just the right way.
Jesus, the one perfect God-man, came to offer the pure, complete and everlasting sacrifice to remove, atone and make eternal payment for our sins, (1 Peter 1:18-19) thus restoring our relationship with God and removing the separation caused by sin. (2 Corinthians 5:21).
e)      Christ will come again (2nd coming) ( 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18).

  1. What is Anglican Church?
An Anglican Church is part of the original Church founded by Jesus Christ (Colossians 2: 18a) when He commissioned His disciples to go into the world to preach the Good News.
An Anglican Church is a:
a)      Biblical Church – We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God (John 1:1-3). As God’s Word to us, the Bible is the lens through which we view and evaluate all other claims to truth.
b)      Liturgical Church – The Book of Common Prayer is the prayer book of our church, which contains the format for how we conduct our worship services. The congregation will participate in worship by reading Scripture, receiving the Sacraments and saying prayers together. The seasons of the Church year (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and Pentecost) and sacred music (centuries old and modern) are important parts of our church life.
c)       A Sacramental Church – We believe in the two sacraments (rituals that are highly symbolic): Holy Baptism (administered once to each person either in their infancy or later in life and the Holy Communion, described by Louis R. Tarsitano (An Outline of an Anglican Life) as :
      … the reception by the power of the Holy Ghost of Christ’s Body and Blood, instituted by Christ himself at the Last Supper, for a remembrance of His one sacrifice of Himself once offered as a full, perfect, and sufficient satisfaction for the sins of the whole world.
We recite the Nicene Creed, as a statement of our faith before the Holy Communion. During Holy Communion, we received consecrated bread (symbolizes Christ’s Body) and dip it into the chalice filled with wine (symbolizes Christ’s Blood) and say thanksgiving prayers in our heart.

  1. What is the authority of the Bible?
a)       God-breathed
When Christians say that the Bible is inspired, they are saying that it is "God breathed."  
2 Tim. 3:16-17 says "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate and equipped for every good work." 
The word for "inspired" is the Greek qeovpneustos, "theopneustos," which means "God breathed."  In other words, this means that the Scriptures are authored from God, and that God moved through the personality and abilities of the biblical writers in such a way that what they wrote was without error and was correct in everything that it addressed.

b)      Uncorrupted
When the Bible is translated, it is translated from the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts (original language) into our language. It is a one-step process and not a series of steps that can lead to corruption. Therefore, the translations are very accurate and trustworthy in regards to what the Bible originally said.
