Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Nernny's Personal reflection on EARC

Shalom semua 

First of all I would like to thank our DADDY for the opportunity to join EARC 2011. So I just want share my personal reflection about EARC 2011 which really an eye-opening for me.
Before this actually I never think of joining EARC because of other things including financial problem. Even when I get the EARC form I just take it and forgot where I put it. But during the final week of EARC registration, Sis Kim Cheng was asking me if I want to join. And that time I do not know why I quickly answered-boleh bah! I was worrying about the fees but then I thank God for opening doors for me especially in my financial during EARC.

The second thing that I really want to thank God was the opportunity to become the student assistant leader for Malaysian Delegation. First when I received the call from FES staff-Beatrice, I was a little bit not confident of myself. I was telling my self-how can I help leading such a big group in an international conference. But then again I want to thank God for the strength and courage that He has given me especially during the country sharing. Honestly I was very nervous speaking in front of many people from different nations for the first time. But as I was preparing the county sharing that morning, this verse really strengthens me:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (Php 4:6 ESV)

7 days in Singapore during EARC really an adventure for me. I don’t really know actually what the theme for EARC 2011 hahha is until we had our quiz time in the train on the way to Singapore.

The powerful theme for EARC 2011:

During our first Bible exposition God opened my eyes about how God can use ordinary people to glorify His name like Prophet Haggai. Before this actually I always limit God in doing His work through my life. I always think that I am not capable enough in doing things like others. I ought to compare myself with what others can do in many aspect of life. I have no confident of myself and because of that it makes me sleep and don’t dare to dream big things. Even though I have dream but I kept it for myself without telling anyone. Again I want to thank God for the chance He gave me to be able to wake up from my slumbers and dare o dream.
Sometimes we scared to dream big things because of security and the risk. I feel the same thing before. I have a dream but then I always ask my self-HOW IF? The HOW IF stopped me to dream also until I find God is our Powerful God who capable to use us.

In my small group, there are 9 of us which one of them is new friend from Malaysia and the rest from other countries. During our discussion I always have this in mind..
‘Let see how they talk and giving their idea about God’
and because we came from different denomination from the charismatic, protestant and even Catholic, so I was able to see different perspectives. Why I am telling all this because God reminded me something about unity back in UKM. We have PERKEB,CSS and MCC. We only combine for certain activities. This is my personal opinion, I guess all the CFs in UKM just want to compete which CF is better and more members. But we never try to sit together as a Body of Christ and think what can we do for UKM and the students there together. I am sorry to say this but this is what I really think that we should change. We have to come together and leave the difference between us behind for God’s glory in UKM. And if we want changes-we must get ready to lead the changes.

Other than that, during EARC we had listening for many countries sharing from different places. What came to my mind during the country sharing was-how grateful we are as a Malaysian. Yes we faced many issues too but as I listening to the other countries sharing, I think we just take for granted all the opportunity and blessing God has given us in our country and campus. In other country, the university students have poor facilities including limited classroom. The students have to do their exam on the ground in the university area because not enough classroom. On the other side, CF are not allowed where students will faced high risk if they get caught involve in any Christian fellowship. The government will give strict punishment like kick them out from school (hahha betulka ayat) and not allowed to go out from their country.

You see, they faced even harder and difficult situation than us but they still continue to look for God. I was thinking, what are we doing in our campus? We have CF but we don’t really have the desire to seek God because of other things?

After coming back from EARC, actually I was worried how if I can do what God wants me to do especially the changes. But thank God again that He reminded me that He just wants me to continue trusting and obeying His commands. I really want to thank God for teaching me many new things during EARC and I think that’s all for my personal reflection.

God bless you all!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing Nernny. Indeed EARC was a rare opportunity for so many of us from so many different countries .. to be in one place, to hear from the Lord together, to learn & dream together for the nations, for our nation!

