Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Closet time!

a picture courtesy to :D
Halu sayang sayangku,

Nama brita nuan? (Iban translation: How are you?)  Good? bad? Awesome? or just plain bored? I'm doing alright here, just trying to get in shape for health reason and of course, beauty reason. CHEWAAAHHH! hahahaha.. hope it pays off when you and YOU see me in PERKEB or anywhere else. HAHA! Kidding!

We servants of PERKEB are going to have a closet time during the 3rd till 7th Sept. What do I mean with closet time? Time to play Uno cards, monopoly, jongkang jongket with no distraction, of course! Nah, not only that, maybe, just maybe, planning to create something WAY uh-MAAAAAAY-zing for you and I in the coming PERKEB! Heheh!

As all of you may know, the NEW semester of 2012/2013 is COMING terribly   soon! OH NO YES! hahahahahahah! Are you guys ready for the new adventure? for a crazy ride for this year?? for an awesome fellowship of the  rings  your friends??? Let us know!

Till then,

pray with us! HUGSIES!

any prayer requests? buzz me :
